- Download installation dvd for osx lion mac os x#
- Download installation dvd for osx lion install#
- Download installation dvd for osx lion code#
The script ran in a few minutes, much less time than actually burning the DVD. And they won't get zapped by lightning like my Base Station did.) Please burn '~/Mountain Lion DVD Image.dmg' to a DVD using Disk Utility."open ~/#-This ran in Terminal, after I saved the text as "MLresize.sh", using nano, and ran chmod 755 MLresize.sh on the file.
Download installation dvd for osx lion install#
So SSD it is.# Remove any old copies of the DVD image before we begin.rm -f /private/tmp/Mountain Lion DVD Image read-write.dmgecho "Creating DVD Image."hdiutil create -size 4.2g -volname "Mac OS X Install ESD" \/private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmg -fs HFS+ -layout SPUDhdiutil attach -nobrowse \/Volumes/Scar/Users/prw/Downloads/Install\ OS\ X\ Mountain\ Lion.app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmghdiutil attach -nobrowse /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmgecho "Copying Mountain Lion to new image."cp -pRv /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/* /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD\ 1/hdiutil detach /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD\ 1hdiutil detach /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESDecho "Converting to read-only."hdiutil convert /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmg \-format UDZO -o ~/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image.dmgrm -f /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmgecho "Image Creation Complete.
Download installation dvd for osx lion mac os x#
#! /bin/bash# 01 prw from Mac OS X Hints web site.# added backslash before spaces in image names.# Should be run on /Volumes/Scar not on the SSD# 02 prw References are all relative, not absolute. You will need to change that reference to where yourcopy of the app is located. I had the install app in a Downloads folder. I have copied my version of the script below. The shell script does require some modification.

Please burn '~/Desktop/Mountain Lion DVD Image.dmg' to a DVD using Disk Utility."open ~/Desktop/ #! /bin/bashrm -f /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmg # Remove any old copies of the DVD image before we begin.echo "Creating DVD Image."hdiutil create -size 4.2g -volname "Mac OS X Install ESD" /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmg -fs HFS+ -layout SPUD# hdiutil attach -nobrowse /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\ Mountain\ Lion.app/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmghdiutil attach -nobrowse ~/Desktop/InstallESD.dmg hdiutil attach -nobrowse /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmgecho "Copying Mountain Lion to new image."cp -pRv /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD/* /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD\ 1/hdiutil detach /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESD\ 1hdiutil detach /Volumes/Mac\ OS\ X\ Install\ ESDecho "Converting to read-only."hdiutil convert /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmg -format UDZO -o ~/Desktop/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image.dmgrm -f /private/tmp/Mountain\ Lion\ DVD\ Image\ read-write.dmgecho "Image Creation Complete. You'll also want to make sure you have at least 9 GB of disk space free, as the script temporarily creates two additional copies of the install image. NOTE: This script assumes you have the "Install OS X Mountain Lion" application in /Applications. When this script finishes, you will have a new, smaller DVD image in your home folder, ready for burning.
Download installation dvd for osx lion code#
Simply paste the code below into a plain text document and save it with a file extension of ".sh" To run the script, fire up Terminal and enter "bash /path/to/script.sh". I've written a small script to make this process quick and easy.
In order to cram Mountain Lion onto a standard DVD, we need create a slightly smaller image file of the exact same format, copy the contents over, then burn it to a DVD. However, the actual contents of the image occupy only 4.38 GB on disk, which will fit on a standard DVD. The problem is that the size of the InstallESD image is fixed at 4.75 GB slightly larger then a 4.7 GB single-layer DVD.

If you've tried burning the Mountain Lion installer to a standard DVD, you've probably noticed that it does not quite fit.